The end of the line.
(Well, for this trip anyway).
Sadly today is the last day of our little trip around our own backyard. I have to admit that my backyard is a whole lot more spectacular than I had ever imagined. Now if they could build some nice, winding, motorcycle only roads between the highlights, it would be close to perfect.
Just after six am we were sitting in the roadhouse devoured a big breakfast. There's something about roadhouse breakfasts that just taste so good, especially the bacon. ☺
By seven it was light enough for us to start our 600 kilometer ride home. It was a balmy six degrees so it was time to rug up to keep the cold out. Having good gear and heated grips meant we were toasty warm as we rode out of town.
We made good time and the ride was uneventful until we found this...
A huge load blocking entire road.
We could sneak past but driver would probably be a bit anxious if we did.
We made a lightening fast pit stop for fuel at Wubin and took off after the truck again. It didn't take long to catch it. We really wanted to get past this mobile road block and have a good run on a fun section of road that was coming up.
I smiled when we entered Dalwallinu and the trucks indicator came on and the driver pulled off the road. The throttles were twisted, and we were gone.
A little way down the road Andrew suggested a cuppa to which I replied "Nooooooooo!" We have to put a big gap between us and that truck before we stop for anything.
We made it to Pithara and I thought we had enough of a buffer to take a break, so cuppa time it was. My coffee took ages to make, and it was possibly the worst coffee I've ever had. It was afterwards that I though that the milk was probably off. I hope not, as the last thing I need is a dodgy stomach on a ride.
We were now back in the wheatbelt and the crops look amazing. Huge fields of wheat and Canola, with the Canola looking really lush.
The Cockeys (Aussie slang for seed farmers because they scratch around in the dirt like cockatoos) look like they will enjoy a very good season.
Lush Canola crops for miles.
We then enjoyed a pleasant surprise. The section of road around Bindi Bindi and Walebing had been redone. The road was nice and wide, with some sweeping bends, and a smooth surface. Playtime. That's a good thing about riding on weekdays, you see very little traffic, or Police on the roads.
Feeling peckish we wheeled into Bindoon and headed straight for the Bindoon Bakehaus. This place is always busy. They make great coffee and really good food, so a very tasty late lunch was the order of the day. Yum!

We were now on our final leg home. In and hour and a half I'll be putting the Guzzi back in her bedroom for a well deserved rest. She's done well and didn't miss a beat all trip.
After running through the Swan Valley vineyards Andrew and went our seperate ways and made for home.
It had bean a great trip. What makes rides like this so good isn't just the places you visit, it's the companionship of mates. I am fortunate enough to call Andrew my friend, and even though my "Tigerish" (as Andrew called it) enthusiasm may have gotten to him a few times, we had a bloody good time. Thanks mate, and thanks for suggesting this trip. I got to visit places I wouldn't have considered going. My thoughts were they were just to far away and too little there to make it worthwhile going. My preconceptions were well and truly proven wrong.
The highlights for me were Exmouth with all it's sea life and stunning coastline. It's a place I'll definitely go back to and spend some time more, and of course Karijini. My next visit to Karijini might have to be a big budget, fly in, hire a four wheel drive, and stay at the Eco Retread for a few days. I want to see every part of it.
The first thing we have to do when we arrive home is make peace with the wives.
Then of course, start planning the next trip...
Where to?
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