BMW R1200GSA vs Moto Guzzi Stelvio NTX

Tuesday, 1 January 2013

We meet a fellow moto traveller in Lourdes.


We're in Lourdes, France and after the last few big days of riding we decided to take a day off and had a big rest in our very comfortable bed. It's funny, at home I can ride six hundred kilometres and feel fine, but riding here in these mountains I'm exhausted after a couple of hundred kms. It's bloody great fun though.

When we went out to find some dinner we met a fellow moto traveller.

Great restaurant, great food, great service.
Lousy photographer.

He's English, rides a Honda Dominator with the biggest panniers in the world, and his name is Ivan. After seeing some of Ivan's photos we worked out that he likes a bit of fun.

Meet Ivan.

We sat and swapped travel stories and tips over a beer or three until the restaurant closed and they threw us out. We must have been thirsty because we went and found a bar that was open. We played pool and had a few more drinks.

Rack 'em up. 

Suzanne gets another round.

We also discovered that Ivan only lives about twelve miles away from a very like minded female friend of ours in the UK, so we gave them each other's details. Who knows what might happen?

Luckily Ivan's hotel locks the door at one am, so at five to we left the bar and all staggered home, otherwise we could have been there til all hours.

I was a great night of  fun and frivolity.

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