BMW R1200GSA vs Moto Guzzi Stelvio NTX

Tuesday, 8 January 2013

We're still in Salamanca, and loving it.


Suzanne enjoyed a sleep in this morning while I went downstairs and spent some time setting up a profile on Couchsurfing website while I ate breakfast. 

Couchsurfing is a great idea. People who are happy to welcome you into their homes for a night or two create a profile on the site and if you're travelling you can request a stay. Once both parties check each other out and agree, you have somewhere to stay. No money changes hands. The traveller gets a night's accommodation, but more importantly gets to know a local and benefit from all their knowledge. The local meets travellers from all over the world and hopefully receives the same kindness if they travel one day.

We need to reduce our expenses if we are going to last another six months over here and accommodation, even though it's very cheap, is one of our largest overheads.

After breakfast I made a bee line for the Museo Historia Automocion (automotive museum). They currently have a display of motos covering Spain's history in making bikes. With nearly sixty bikes on display I was pretty disappointed when I got there to find it is closed on Mondays. Maybe MaTe is right, I should learn some Spanish so I could have read that on the brochure. Oh well, there's always tomorrow.

I took the long way back to the Plaza. I am just amazed at the buildings in this town...

 How much effort went into this?


 I wonder how old this bridge is, and who has crossed it?
Maybe Senor Bulto?

 I took a little walk myself.

 This front gate needs a little varnish.

lt's like this everywhere you look.

When I got back to the Plaza I met up with Suzanne and we enjoyed lunch sitting in the sun. Take a look at what was in the window of the ice cream shop.

Look at the back, right hand corner.
Ice cream with doughnuts anyone?

The thing that really gets me here is that even with all the fatty foods cooked in oil, and all the sweets available, there are very few overweight people here. They are all slim and dress like models.

Speaking of dressing like models, after lunch we visited a tiny little shop that we'd seen a few times, but was always closed. There we tried to help solve Spain's financial crisis. For those of you that have seen Suzanne's "special" jacket, it now has a friend. We had to buy it. Suzanne put it on and it was instantly her jacket. It screamed "Take me home." We'll have to post it home, but at least she can wear it for a few days beforehand.

Tonight we tried something different. After our siesta Suzanne went for a wander and came back with Tapas from Cervantes. We then sat in bed and ate it, accompanied by our bottle of anniversary champagne we didn't drink the other night. Very enjoyable indeed.

First job tomorrow, after breakfast, it to try the museum again. I hope I have more luck this time...

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