BMW R1200GSA vs Moto Guzzi Stelvio NTX

Saturday 4 August 2012

Hollywood Hotel - In Senigallia, Italy.


We said our goodbyes and queued with hundreds of others to go down into the hold of the ferry and access our vehicles. After ages of stewing in our own sweat they let us out. We rode off the ferry ramp with intentions of heading for Venice, then cross country to the UK. Our plan was to ride up the coast and avoid the Autobahn. After about twenty minutes of riding in heat and traffic, on crappy roads, through industrial areas I decided the Autobahn may not be such a bad choice.

After about fifteen minutes of non stop trucks and gusting wind I decided the coast road was the better option after all, so back we went. It was very hot and it was time for a lunch break. We were both grumpy and tired and had one of our very few "disagreements". As luck would have it we stumbled into Senegallia, a lovely beach resort. Think Cottesloe Beach at home, but with more life and hundreds and hundreds of beach umbrellas. Lunch took considerably longer than usual, and we had a bottle of wine (more due to the language barrier than choice) as well. As I said, it was hot, and you have to re hydrate. At this point in time every item of clothing we have with us is very, very smelly and in dire need of a wash, and just about every battery we have needs recharging. We'd found enough excuses so, obviously, we were not going anywhere. We needed a good night's sleep and an hotel. 

Suzanne wandered off to searched for a hotel, and came back with a bargain. The Hollywood Hotel. It had air conditioning and a fridge. To be honest, at that point in time if I had to choose between a bed or an air-conditioner, I would have chosen to take the air conditioner. Suzanne made good use of the shower and washed all of our clothes. I made good use of the shower, and the bed, and had a good sleep. The next morning we found that this was a pretty cool place and decided to stay another night, and I still needed more sleep.

It's been two months since I had a hair cut and I'm starting to look like the Wild Man of Borneo, so off to get a haircut. I found a "real" barbershop. That's me, I'm in. I used my best Italian and said "Numero Due" while moving my hand around over my head and making buzzing sounds. You couldn't get that wrong could you?

The barber fired up some Jimi Hedrix on his stereo, and when he realised I was enjoying it, turned it up loud. Right now I'm feeling pretty good. 

Does the barber remind you of anyone?

I have to explain now that I wear my glasses to see distances. Sitting in the barber's chair I don't need to see, so I take them off and my reflection is blurry to me. Probably a good thing now I think about it. Looking in the mirror I though: "That looks a bit short".

My new number, two?

I'm sure it's the short hair that makes my face look fat. It couldn't be anything else. When he was done he gave me a quick ear and eyebrow trim. I hate getting old. The eyebrow trim was a bonus because they were so long they were fluttering in my eyes when I was riding with my visor up. Back to the hotel for a quick shave and I looked human again. Well, almost.

Check out the beach view from our balcony...

In the early morning there are guys with wire scoop nets cleaning the beach, putting rubbish in bags, and throwing the bags in the bucket of a front end loader. The loader then tips the bags into a truck. By the time the first beach goers arrive, the beach is pristine.

The view in the beach wasn't bad either. The new Bikini fashion is interesting. I'd call it Wedgie style.

Senigallia would make a great place to stay for a week for a relaxing beach holiday, but we've got to get to the UK. Tomorrow we ride some serious miles.

Where is Rex's Buff?

Dimi's cutie pie girlfriend, who's name escapes me at the moment (Yes, I know, that's not like me. I blame it on Alzheimer's). If anyone can help me out here I'd appreciate it. : )

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